Strange Curses

Thursday, July 27, 2006

it ain't brokeback!

a few weeks back, roger and i met up to go buy some stuff.

i was looking for some black polo tees so i can wear to my work.

he was looking to buy underwear.

i gave advice to which size he should wear.

he chose some polos for me to try in the fitting rooms.

i held his bag of new underwears while his hands were full.

he took photos of me posing with the long, big, brown thing.

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the long, big, and brown that long, that big, and that brown.

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look, it's longer than mine!

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roger loves to suck on that long, big, brown thing.

it just ain't brokeback at all!!

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in fact, it just ain't brokeback at all......
:: posted by strangesentiments, 10:39 PM


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