Strange Curses

Monday, September 05, 2005

Over the weekend


went to take my prac 3 and i passed...going for prac 4 tomorrow. 5 more prac and 1 tp and i will be a legal rider...

went to comex and world food fair... saying that the whole place is fucking crowded is and understatement.. and one point of time, they have to close the halls and stop entry in order to maintain control.

bought a steering wheel for my xbox. no money buy car, buy steering wheel cannot meh??

lost my virgin time to this girl wallet working at suntec cafe cartel. she's the first ever girl wallet that i approached to wanna be friends with. i wrote her this "my contact no. is 9855**** if you care to be a friend. hope to hear from you. i know you will not disappoint." dang it! i m disappointed!

played on my xbox from morning till night and i m not tired. gta-san andreas is damn addictive. not play if you are not cut out to be a gangster like me.

read on papers about what happened in new orleans.

feel very lucky to be living in spanking fine lion city.

heave a sigh of relieve for my 2 friends who came back from new orleans 3 weeks back.

pity all those who were victims of katrina. sympathise those whose family members got stranded. katrina shattered the lives, the homes, and the hearts of thousands affected.

am still thinking of the girl working at cartel. her smile, her zest in wiping the tables at cartel, her energy in wanting to satisfy customers, her eyes, and her ponytail..not very romantic but to hell, who cares.

am feeling the "monday blues". didn't do a shit in office today except to read newspapers.

just changed my mind, i am not only suffering from monday blues...i am also suffering from "wallet depression"

am still hoping she is not lesbian and she will call or sms.

am signing off!!
:: posted by strangesentiments, 7:50 PM


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