Strange Curses

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cathay Bowl

The other day when i went to bowl at Yishun Safra, i noticed something wasn't quite rite.

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it was their cathay bowl logo..

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isn't a bowling ball supposed to have 3 holes instead of a "nipple"

how i wish i could have such "a bowling ball" to hold...haha


a friend once asked me this after some drinks at the pub

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j: eh, siao eh, you look at this picture (logo of tiger beer) and tell me if the tiger is male or female
me: serious or not?? how to tell??
j: observe lah..use your eyes bodoh..
me: ok lah... (observe at logo, focusing on the tiger's whip area)
j: can see anot?? faster lah..guess only also so difficult meh??
me: eh...haha..i noe the answer liao, it's a bu eh..female one!
j: why you say it's bu eh?
me: coz got no penis mah....cannot see must be bu eh loh.
j: you bodoh lah... people say you stupid i dun believe, but you juz proved it!
me: simi lan? i wrong MEH?
j: wrong lah.. answer is male one..
me: explain!
j: if the tiger is female, then it would be called tigeress beer liao!
me: tamade!!
:: posted by strangesentiments, 10:03 PM


hahahahahaa u got me there! the tiger! im gonna use tt on my frenz next time. lol
Blogger Claris, at 10:46 PM  
i was tricked by my friend too...bloody him..
Blogger strangesentiments, at 11:47 PM  

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